Millennials Travel Statistics & Trends in 2023

Millennials are a powerful force in the modern travel industry thanks to their high spending power and changing preferences. This generation is estimated to have an astonishing $200 billion in spending power, making them a highly desirable demographic for companies across all industries, including the travel industry. Not only that, but they are also heavily influencing how both business and leisure travel works, from product preferences to booking methods.

Today this generation represents 31.5% of the world's population. Millennials often prioritize experiences over things and often prefer solo travel when choosing where to go. In their efforts to attract this younger demographic, many companies create custom content that speaks directly to millennial travelers, such as targeted social media campaigns and user-generated content featuring personal experiences of destinations or products. Furthermore, millennials are typically drawn to individualized planning rather than purchasing package tours.

All of these trends show that millennials make use of their smartphones not just for research or bookings but for wanderlust inspiration as well.

Lets have a look at some of the millennial travel statistics that you should know this year:

Which Generation Travels The Most?

The research into the US tourism industry has shown that Millennials travel more than other generations. According to Expedia, Millennials in the US travel 35 days per year on average - approximately one third more than Generation Z and Baby Boomers, who only take two weeks of vacation annually.

Despite taking more trips on average though, Millennials tend to spend less on each vacation. In 2019 the average Millennial had a total budget of $4,400 for five trips including three overseas vacations; whereas Generation X and Baby Boomers had annual budgets of $5,400 and $6,600 respectively.

Nevertheless, when it comes to travel habits, Millennials are proving themselves to be far more adventurous than older generations. They prefer shorter stays with an emphasis on experience over leisure time. As such, they have become known for exploring off-the-beaten-track destinations and meaningful activities such as volunteering or Educational Tours rather than lounging by a private pool or beach.

With their eagerness for unique experiences and wanderlust spirit ingrained into them from young age, it’s no surprise that Millennials are travelling much more frequently and extensively than their older counterparts .

Top Millennial Travel Statistics you should know

The research into the US tourism industry has shown that Millennials travel more than other generations. According to Expedia, Millennials in the US travel 35 days per year on average - approximately one third more than Generation Z and Baby Boomers, who only take two weeks of vacation annually.

Average Spending Per Trip (2020-2023)

From 2020 to 2023, the average expenditure per trip for Millennials amounted to $4141.

Perception of Safety During the Pandemic

During the pandemic, a mere 26% of Millennials believed that travel was unsafe, contrasting with 41% of baby boomers who held the same perception.

Travel Plans in 2022 (Millennials vs. Baby Boomers) 

In 2022, Millennials were 71% more inclined to either maintain or increase their travel plans compared to baby boomers, as compared to their pre-pandemic habits.

Impact of Covid-19 Vaccine on Travel Feelings 

In 2022, 77% of Millennials felt that the Covid-19 vaccine enhanced the safety of travel.

Airbnb Customer Demographics (2022)

In 2022, Millennials comprised 45% of Airbnb's customer base. It is clear that they prioritize experiences over things, as well as individualized planning rather than package tours. This generation is increasingly looking for ways to make their trips unique and memorable.

Environmental Concerns for 2023 Vacations

In 2023, a substantial 82% of Millennials express a desire to embark on vacations with minimal environmental impact.

Domestic Flight Frequency by Generation

Over the past year, 18% of millennial travelers have taken three or more domestic flights, whereas this figure stands at 10% for Gen Xers and 6% for baby boomers.

Total Spending on Travel in 2018

In 2018, Millennials collectively spent $200 billion on travel, and a significant 33% of them intend to allocate a budget exceeding $5000 for their vacations.

Booking and Research Habits (Smartphone Usage)

A substantial 66% of millennial travelers utilize their smartphones for booking trips, while 74% use them for research purposes.

Travel Frequency Across Generations

Last year (2022), 82% of millennials embarked on travel adventures, surpassing the travel rate of all other generational groups, which averaged at 75%.

Wellness-Oriented Travel Prioritization

A notable 61% of millennial travelers place a high priority on trips that emphasize personal wellness.

Annual Trip Frequency by Generation

On average, Millennials embarked on 5.6 trips each year, exceeding the travel frequency of Gen Z (4.4), Gen X (4.0), and Baby Boomers (3.5).

Influence of Media on Destination Choice

Within the experience economy, 70% of Millennials report that they have been motivated to visit a destination after encountering it in TV shows, news sources, or movies.

Restaurant-Centric Trip Planning

Nearly half, or 47%, of Millennials have designed their entire trips with a specific restaurant visit as the focal point.

Instagram as a Travel Inspiration Source

A significant 46% of Millennials embark on travel adventures with the purpose of exploring places they've previously encountered on Instagram.

Social Media Sharing of Travel Experiences

A staggering 97% of Millennials plan to share their travel experiences on social media platforms, and two-thirds of them intend to post at least once a day.

Solo Travel Preferences

Approximately 58% of Millennials have expressed an inclination toward solo travel, with 26% having already experienced it.

Traveling with Children (Millennials)

Among Millennials with children, 44% have journeyed as a family unit, and of these, 62% included children under the age of five in their travels.

What type of trips do Millennials prefer?

The majority of Millennials’ trips are leisure trips, with 87 percent of their trips taken for vacation days and long weekends off work. Beach vacations were the most popular type of holiday among Millennial travelers in 2019, followed by city escapes and nature trips.

Interestingly, Millennials also put a lot of emphasis on travel for business and education, taking 31% of their trips for work-related purposes and 14% for educational endeavours.

Where do Millennials Travel?

Millennials, more than any other generation before them, have taken to traveling the world and forgoing traditional conventions of office work or 9-5 lifestyles. This growing trend among young adults of all socioeconomic statuses has been spurred on by the rapid growth in budget airlines, hotel chains offering excellent value deals, and social media influencers whose job it is to present travel destinations as a must-visit.

There is little data available on what specific destinations Millennials travel to each year, but the Independent reports some of the top trending locations include Bora Bora (+24%) and Saint Martin (+21%). Even though these two are rising in popularity among digital nomads and extravagant travelers alike, leading global destinations like France, Spain, United States, China, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Germany, Thailand and United Kingdom remain popular choices for those seeking a break from routine life while travelling abroad.

The rise of these top ten Millennial travel destinations offer affordable luxury with stunning views alongside endless exploring possibilities that one wouldn’t be able to find in traditional holiday packages so there is no wonder foresight into why this generation is flocking to explore new cultures this way.

According to the Independent, these are trending millennial travel destinations listed below:

Top 10 Millennial Travel Destinations

Bora Bora


Saint Martin


Aspen, Colorado


Denpasar, Indonesia


Kahului, Hawaii


Dublin, Ireland


Managua, Nicaragua


Toronto, Canada


Santiago, Dominican Republic


Bogota, Colombia


The Top Destination Choice for Millennials:

France tops the list of dream destinations for Millennials, being the number one choice if they had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world.

Rise in City Breaks (2004-2022):

The popularity of city breaks has experienced an 82% increase since 2004, now constituting 22% of all global holiday preferences.

Media Influence on Destination Choice:

A substantial 70% of Millennials report that they've been motivated to travel to a particular destination after encountering it in TV shows, news sources, or movies.

International Travel Expectations (Early 2022):

In the initial half of 2022, it was anticipated that 49% of millennial travelers would venture on international journeys.

Restaurant-Centric Trip Planning (Millennials):

Nearly half, 47%, of Millennials have structured their entire trips around the goal of visiting a specific restaurant.

Food Festival-Centered Trip Planning (Millennials):

A substantial 45% of Millennials have organized trips with the primary purpose of participating in a food festival.

Preference for Beach Resorts (Next 12 Months):

Within the upcoming 12 months, 40% of Millennials express a desire to visit beach resorts as part of their travel plans.

Metropolitan City Travel Plans (Next 12 Months):

In the upcoming year, 38% of Millennials are planning to explore metropolitan cities as part of their travel agenda.

Desire for Once-in-a-Lifetime Vacation (2022):

In 2022, a significant 67% of millennial travelers expressed a desire to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation.

Travel Destination Preferences in the US (Domestic vs. International):

When it comes to leisure travel in the United States, Millennial travelers predominantly favor domestic destinations, with 79% of their travel preferences leaning towards domestic options. Nevertheless, one out of every three Millennials is gearing up for international vacations within the next two years.

US Millennial Travel Plans (Domestic vs. International):

In the United States, on an annual basis, 51% of Millennials anticipate embarking on trips to both domestic and international destinations, while 42% intend to restrict their travel to domestic locations, and 7% plan to exclusively explore international destinations.

Shift in Domestic vs. International Travel (US Millennials):

Currently, 79% of Millennial travel in the United States is primarily focused on domestic destinations. However, within the next 24 months, a notable 33% of US Millennials have intentions to explore international travel options.

Millennials Spending on Travel

Millennials are one of the most passionate groups when it comes to travelling. In 2018, US millennials spent an astounding $200 billion on travel and they expect that this number will continue to increase in 2022. Furthermore, 33% of them have a spending budget of more than $5000 for their vacation, so when it comes to experience new places and cultures they tend to be willing to splurge.

Looking for the best deal is also important as 92% of US Millennials look for discounts or cheaper ways to travel before making a booking. Moreover, they travel more than any other generation, taking an average of 35 days per year!

In regards to domestic flights specifically, 18% of millennials reported having taken three or more in the previous year compared 10% of Gen Xers and just 6% of baby boomers. Furthermore, 68% said that they would consider splurging on big trips in 2022.

Why Millennials Love Travel

One of the main reasons why Millennials love travelling so much is because of how much it broadens their perspectives, helps them dive deeper into cultures, and provides life-changing experiences.

A lot of millennials choose travel as a way to unplug from their day-to-day lives and refresh. According to data collected from Millennial Travel Statistics, 86% of millennials travel for experience and culture while 44% wanted to party and only 28% want to shop – this shows the priorities they have when travelling compared to other generations. 

Millennials enjoy connecting with locals for an authentic tour and visiting with family or friends at their destination—connecting with people can make a trip especially meaningful.

Numerous studies suggest that taking trips can improve a person’s well being by alleviating stress levels due to environmental changes, receiving new guidance or advice from others along the way, exploring different terrains/nuts, etc.. Through these various factors it is clear why millennials value travel so deeply and seek it out no matter what age.

Primary Reasons for Millennial Travel (2022)

In 2022, the primary motivations for Millennial travel were revealed through a survey. Most commonly, Millennials traveled to connect with family and friends. Following closely behind were trips aimed at boosting mental health, exploring new U.S. cities, embarking on international adventures, seeking budget-friendly deals, and checking off bucket list experiences.

Wellness-Oriented Travel Preferences (Millennials):

A significant 61% of Millennials place a high priority on trips that revolve around personal wellness, including stays at hotels offering spa and wellness services.

Desire for Local Immersion (Gen-Z and Millennials):

Both Gen-Z and Millennials, to the extent of 79%, express a strong desire to immerse themselves in the local culture and experience a day in the life of residents during their travels.

Environmental Consciousness for 2023 Vacations (Generational Comparison):

Looking ahead to 2023, a noteworthy 82% of Millennials express a desire to embark on environmentally-friendly vacations. This inclination surpasses that of Gen X (72%) and baby boomers (64%).

Support for Small Businesses (Millennials):

When visiting new destinations, a remarkable 86% of Millennials actively seek out opportunities to support small local businesses through their shopping choices.

Importance of Authentic Culture in Travel:

A significant 60% of travelers consider the authenticity of the local culture as the most crucial aspect of their overall travel experience.

Educational Travel Preferences (Millennials):

An overwhelming 78% of Millennials seek to make their travels educational and value the opportunity to learn during their journeys.

Historical and Cultural Significance in Destination Choice (Millennials):

In comparison to other generations, Millennials exhibit a 13% higher likelihood of selecting travel destinations with historical or cultural significance.

Adventurous Pursuits (Millennials):

In comparison to their counterparts from other generations, Millennials who seek thrills are twice as inclined to engage in risky activities for the sake of excitement during their travels.

Cultural Exploration During Business Trips (Millennials):

A considerable 62% of Millennials exhibit a propensity to extend their business trips to incorporate cultural exploration.

Shift in Trip Planning Methods (Online Travel Agents vs. Self-Planning):

Explanation: Over a two-year period, the utilization of online travel agents for itinerary creation has decreased from 50% to 25%. Consequently, more Millennials are taking the initiative to plan their trips independently.

Ways Millennials Travel, Group, or Solo?

Millennials are increasingly opting for solo travel, both in terms of planning and experiencing trips on their own. According to surveys, 58% of millennials said they would consider or have already gone solo travelling, while 26% of millennial women have done so. Solo travel is particularly appealing to individuals within the millennial generation as it allows them to focus on their personal interests without any outside pressure or influences.

Millennials also enjoy making group getaways with friends and family. According to surveys, 40% of people will take a holiday with friends in the next 12 months, and 58% stated that they favour travelling with friends more than other generations at 38%.

Additionally, about 44% of millennials with children have gone together, of which 62% did so with children under five years old. With advancements in technology and modern lifestyles allowing for increased mobility over long distances, group travel has become an easy way for friends and family to make memories together no matter where life takes them.

The Use of Smartphones Among Millennial Travellers

Millennials are changing the face of modern travel by using their smartphones in multiple facets of the journey.

According to a recent survey, 66% use their mobile device to book their trips, just over 74% do research for it, and 75% have installed a travel app. Millennials find this combination of tools far more rewarding than the traditional methods of researching and booking options. For them, the smartphone has become an indispensable tool for creating memories they can keep with them forever.

Mobile technology allows millennials to customize their own experience instead of relying on predetermined packages offered by online travel agents. In addition to providing convenience when planning and booking the trip, it also allows access to exclusive deals as well as real-time feedback from fellow travelers.

With all these features and benefits, it’s no surprise that 86% of millennials are disappointed with the mobile experience that online travel agents offer them. It’s clear that when it comes to millennial travel, smartphones are at the heart of everything they do.

The Impact of Social Media on Bookings

Social media has become an indispensable part of the travel experience for Millennials. Over half use platforms like Pinterest and Twitter to influence their booking decisions, with 87% turning to Facebook to source new inspiration. In fact, almost half of Millennials use the platform as their primary source of motivation when it comes to choosing a destination at all - often inspired by what they've seen on Instagram from others that have already visited.

And it's no wonder; 61% of Millennial travelers express that they want to go somewhere that will create the perfect photographic moment in order to look great on social media. Not only are photos aesthetically pleasing on technologies like Instagram and Snapchat, but 97% also admit that they like to share what they've experienced whilst away from home.

Moreover, despite adventurous bookings being encouraged by friends, 40% of internationally traveling millennials confess they want to post content associated with their ideal image rather than take risks and explore something unusual or unique.

With guided advice and persuaded preferences, 79% admit they have based their selections on where other people recommended them rather than just relying on professionals or researching themselves. Social media is leading this connected generation in unexpected directions - creating lasting memories through every tap and scroll as they move around the world, online or offline.

Travel Booking for Millennials 

Millennials are one of the premier groups in today’s travelers, and they have unique booking preferences when it comes to their travel plans. According to a study by Expedia Group Media Solutions, 57% of millennials prefer to book their trips online through an online travel agent such as Expedia or

Additionally, 36% of millennials will use hotel websites and 32% will use airline sites to complete their bookings. Moreover, 61% research different providers, agents and opinion sites throughout their booking process in order to get the best deals.

Moreover, 50% of millennials consult social networks, friends and family when looking for a place to stay or activities to do during their travels. On average, 85% often check more than one site in search of exclusive discounts before making a decision on where to stay or eat.

Most millennials chose online travel agents due user-friendly designs and advanced security features rather than cheap prices while 13% don’t think using booking agents is as safe as directly booking something on the hotel website or airline site. Nevertheless overall, Millennials tend to favor Online Travel Agents (OTAs) over its competitors due to its convenience and ease of use.

Hotel Bookings and Rewards

Millennials are taking the world of hospitality and travel by storm with their unique approach to booking hotels and rewards. According to surveys, 58% prefer full-service hotels rather than Airbnb, apart from offering a more traditional experience they still value the luxury of having all their needs met in one place. In 2022, millennials made up 45% of Airbnb’s customers, still leaving room for traditional hotel booking.

According to further research, 35% look for premium hotels and resorts as they seek an upmarket hospitality experience. As social media plays a big role in our lives, 2 out of 5 millennials admit that hotel images and experiences on social media influence their decision when it comes to choosing a hotel.

Besides visuals, loyalty programs have been noted as being influential also, 41% of millennials joined one due to its ease of use and 68% want the best rewards on offer; conveniently enough, hotel loyalty schemes are at an all-time high with 75% sticking with their brand even if points expire.

In Summary: Millennials Travel Trends and Statistics

The younger generation of travelers is always on the look out for new and improved services from the travel industry. For starters, many are seeking a service that will let them split the cost of their travel with others on the booking.

Additionally, over half rate customer service via instant messaging above face-to-face. Moreover, they are looking for a service to suggest holidays not only based on their budget but personality as well. Furthermore, many will disclose personal data in exchange for discounts if it results in customised holidays and advice.

Plus, when it comes to technology improvements, these individuals are very social media savvy meaning companies should use that interaction and conversations to improve their brand content language along with offering helpful destination suggestions to validate decisions.

All in all, this generation’s needs from the travel industry are vast and varied ones to say the least so there’s abundant potential for growth within this sector today and into the future.